Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tuesday Knitting

So, yesterday I went to Tuesday knitting for the second time. I didn't get any tea this time, mostly because I'm cheap and only like chai. But, I got quite far on my scarf! And, more importantly, I learned how to do buttonholes! :D I'm so proud of myself.
I really love my soft blue yarn. It's very wonderful. And the ribbing is going very wonderfully.

My goal is to have my scarf finished by next Tuesday knitting.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I'm becoming something of a pattern-whore. I love getting them, even if I don't really know how to read them. I like having them. Also, looking at the pictures. :3

Anyway. I've got a bunch of patterns that I don't like/will never use/whatever. I got them from a knitting page-a-day calender, and I've taken out the ones I like. It was for 2008, so it's not a current calender or anything.
If anyone wants them, just tell me so.


O hai.
So, here it is. My knitting blog. Or what will soon become my knitting blog, at least. I'm a bit of a blog-whore. I've got my Mission 101 blog, my art blog, and my livejournal, which I can't seem to link to, but is at, for normal life-type blogging.
