I've only been working on one project lately, partly because of school, and partly because I really like working on it. I'm making a longcat scarf for my boyfriend!

I'm actually considerably farther (further?) than this, but it's at the point where it would be sort of silly to take a picture, since it would look like some sort of weird racing stripe with feet. I'm having a lot of fun making it, following this pattern. It's about as long as my arm now, actually. I'm still having a great time making it!
I'm also about to start my first (second, technically, after my own) of three (again, four technically) of my modified version of these glitzy fingerless mittens: one for my mom, one for my stepmom, and one for someone that she works with, I guess? I am so not excited to do all that ribbing again. But my mom is so excited for them, and my dad is paying me double the yarn cost to keep them a surprise, so I suppose it's alright.
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