Guess what it's time for? A Post-Move WIP update! :D With pictures this time!
This thing is getting freaking huge. I'm having a lot of fun knitting it, and there is now more blanket than extra yarn in the bag, which is exciting.
Blue's Shawl
I have to have this finished by the end of the month if I'm going to have it for Nerd Wars. I'm on my 9th of 12 repeats, plus the border. I will have to get my second skein wound, probably. And if not, oh no, I have a super pretty skein of yarn.
ACen Socks
These have not had any progress, though I did really like how they were coming along last time I worked on them. I'm hoping to finish them soon. One of the Nerd Wars challenges this month is to finish WIPs, so I might do that.
Crochet Scrapghan
I've been making a lot of progress on this one, since it's smaller than my regular scrapghan and John likes to watch the crochet motion. I am more progressed than the picture shows.
Dalaran Reading Mitts
I need to work more on these, since they're so close to done and I really like them. Once I figured out the edging, they became a lot prettier and I liked them a lot more. The colors are really pretty, too.
Test Knit Fingerless Mitts
I need to finish these so my aunt will stop bugging me about her needles that I have. Also then I would have one less WIP and that would be nice.
Longcat Scarf
Not a lot of progress on this one recently. I need to get more yarn wound. We're going to get Netflix hooked up again soon, so I'll be able to sit, knit, and watch docs. Which will be good.
Sunshine Shawl
This thing barely counts as a WIP. I only knit two rows of it so far. I'm really excited for the finished product, though, so I will work on this one in September, at least.
I still hate this pattern, but I love the project. And the yarn. I finally have internet again, so I can look up the pattern, because the "print the essentials" button didn't print any of the charts. So.. yeah.
Purple Shawl
I did a couple of rows the other day, but I'm working mostly on other projects right now.
Yoshi Blanket
No real progress. I'm still trying to deal with my gauge issue, so I'm nervous to work on it any more, in case I have to rip everything. I might try blocking the squares I have to see if that helps at all.
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