Saturday, February 26, 2011

February FO's

It's almost the end of February! I made some projects! Let's look at them! Apparently we're going from newest to oldest, since that's how Blogger decided to upload the photos!

This is a bag. I made it for NerdWars.

This is the inside of the bag. I made up the pattern as I went along. It was actually meant to have more of a flat base then it ended up with, but I realized I was crocheting it inside out (what?), so when I flopped it, the base got more rounded. It is big enough to hold my iPod, phone, chapstick, eraser, pencil and inking pens. I'm calling it my Epic Gold Commission Bag, because it can hold all the things I need to take commissions at an artist alley.

Here is my Cowl'Thas! It was the first project I completed for NerdWars. It's for the Valentine's Challenge, where we make a gift for our favorite NPC. Kael'Thas Sunstrider is my favorite, by far. I decided that if we send him enough hand-knit love, he will come home to Silvermoon and everything will be better again. See, it's even in Silvermoon colors! It's a relatively close-fitting cowl, and I really really like it.

The last (first?) project I completed is this hat for John! I made one for myself in January in red, and John demanded a similar one. It's made out of Baby Alpaca Grande, so it's super soft. He is super pleased with it. :)

...In other news, I'm thinking about making a FO post at/near the end of every month, to make sure I didn't miss anything. Also to maybe x-post to the LJ group. Y/N?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Impulse Buys

So I was looking at Etsy today. This is a thing that I really should never do. Do you know what they have on Etsy? Hand-dyed yarn. Pretty hand-dyed yarn.

I was looking today, just a little bit ago, when I found a really pretty yarn that was different shades of blues and greys and do you know what it was called? Little Boy Blue. That is cheating. Cheating, I tell you! How could I not immediately go "GASP. Boy Bluuuueee~~~" because Blue is my favorite character in my favorite comic book (aside from maybe something with X-Men.). It was only reading the description that saved me from an immediate impulse buy--the listed price was for one ball of yarn. I would need two to make an adult sized pair of socks.

So right now I am settling for adding them to my favorites and closing the window. And pouting. And considering getting a temporary job just to buy more yarn.

But now I am thinking. Maybe I should learn to dye my own yarn. ..Where do I get "blank" yarn? Hmm.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nerd Wars

Nerd Wars is afoot! :D

Nerd Wars is a group on Ravelry. A bunch of people got together, grouped up by fandom (I'm on team Epic, the MMO/RPG team), and are knitting for points. There are a bunch of challenges every month for three months, and the team with the most points at the end wins.

This month, the challenges are: NERDWARSCON (Nerd Culture), VALENTINE'S DAY (Team Spirit), NEBULAS (Scientific), PRIME NUMBERS (Intellectual), A BONDING EXPERIENCE (Technical), and COLD HANDS, WARM HEARTS (Giving Geeks).

I've got an idea for a couple of projects, if I have time. I'm already competing in the Team Spirit category. The goal is to knit something for your favorite character within your fandom. So I picked up this yarn..

And am making a cowl for Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. <3 It's even in Silvermoon colors! :D (Though that was, admittedly, John's idea, not mine.)

If I have time at the end, I'm gonna use my leftover gold yarn there to make a gold bag for the Nerd Culture. You get bonus points (I think) for relating your project back to your team. Gold bags are where you got set pieces from PQ's in WARhammer Online. <3 I think I ended up with a total of three.

