Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nerd Wars

Nerd Wars is afoot! :D

Nerd Wars is a group on Ravelry. A bunch of people got together, grouped up by fandom (I'm on team Epic, the MMO/RPG team), and are knitting for points. There are a bunch of challenges every month for three months, and the team with the most points at the end wins.

This month, the challenges are: NERDWARSCON (Nerd Culture), VALENTINE'S DAY (Team Spirit), NEBULAS (Scientific), PRIME NUMBERS (Intellectual), A BONDING EXPERIENCE (Technical), and COLD HANDS, WARM HEARTS (Giving Geeks).

I've got an idea for a couple of projects, if I have time. I'm already competing in the Team Spirit category. The goal is to knit something for your favorite character within your fandom. So I picked up this yarn..

And am making a cowl for Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. <3 It's even in Silvermoon colors! :D (Though that was, admittedly, John's idea, not mine.)

If I have time at the end, I'm gonna use my leftover gold yarn there to make a gold bag for the Nerd Culture. You get bonus points (I think) for relating your project back to your team. Gold bags are where you got set pieces from PQ's in WARhammer Online. <3 I think I ended up with a total of three.



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