Monday, November 8, 2010

To rip, or not to rip?

(Two posts in one morning! My, aren't we spoiled?)

So here's a question. Let's say you're working on a shawl. You know that the end product will be beautiful, but the pattern itself is really... a piece of work. And it takes a huge amount of effort to knit because you have to calculate the lace row every repeat. And it gets bigger as it goes. And you don't hate the shawl, but you wouldn't be entirely unhappy if you did not have to work on it ever again.

Do you rip it?

How do you know when it's time to rip? Have you ever had a project that you really wanted to love, but just couldn't for whatever reason? What did you do?

I'm thinking pretty seriously about ripping my Maja shawl. I just am unsure what I would do with the yarn. I'm thinking about the Traveling Woman shawl, but I would have to buy new needles for that. I could do my first socks? Ugh.

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